Lakeside School Winter Holiday
Play, 1999
MISTRESS HEARTH Good evening, my friends, and welcome to this hall - Kind womenfolk and gentlemen, we
warmly welcome all.
MISTRESS RIMER Lend an ear my dear friends; we'll sing with all our might! We're glad you've braved those mountain
roads to join us
[All school sings"Masters in this
MISTRESS HEARTH You're all invited to a feast at the manor by the shining lake's side - The Lord and Lady are expecting
you, my friends - step inside.
MISTRESS RIMER Musicians, tune your pipes, your trumpets, and your viols! Give us a song; fill this hall;
let it sound for miles!
[Mistress Hearth and Mistress Rimer exit.] [The school orchestra plays
for the guests.]
LORD OF THE MANOR Thank you, musicians, well blown, well bowed, well played! We're grateful for your talents,
we'll see that you're well paid!
[HERALD 2 enters with the menu scroll
and unrolls it; the Lady
LADY OF THE MANOR My Lord, the menu for our feast is set, a truly luscious array; Our taste buds will revel in the
culinary delights our talented cooks will
[The LORD looks over the menu,
nods, then HERALD 2 re-rolls it
LORD OF THE MANOR My dear Lady, there is one dish - it fills my heart with zeal: The figgy pudding, crowning glory of our winter meal. I've dreamt of the pudding for many months long - The aroma, the taste - pray that
nothing goes wrong!
LADY OF THE MANOR Now, now, my Lord, you'll have your
pudding; for
But come, we must get ready now,
for our guests are coming
SCENE THREE: THE KITCHEN [The scene changes to the kitchen,
where the COOKS are
HEAD COOK Oh no, I was afraid of this, we have to make a pudding! Warm and sticky, fat and sweet,
a royal figgy pudding!
COOK 1 They've dreamed about the lovely figgy pudding all year long. We'll have to look for other jobs
if anything goes wrong.
COOK 2 Oh, do we have the spices? Cloves and cinnamon, what else? Salt and flour and brown sugar?
Twenty eggs, without their shells?
COOK 1 And figs! Oh figgy FIGS!
Now who's got figs this time of year?
HEAD COOK Please don't panic, and don't argue, if you don't want them to hear! [The COOKS freeze in mid-scurry as
the FAERIES enter.]
HEAD FAERIE Now here's a chance for mischief
and a few good laughs as well.
FAERIE 1 Whoever smells this Pudding will want a taste so badly They'll do anything to get it!
They'll rush around quite madly!
FAERIE 2 Whoever sees this Pudding will try with all their might To possess it and to eat it, every bit, this very night! [The FAERIES complete the PUDDING,
which comes to life on
HEAD FAERIE You wanted figgy pudding ? now you have a
magic one!
FAERIE 1 There'll be sticky, figgy mischief!
FAERIE 2 Now let's hide and watch the fun! [The FAERIES scurry away.
The COOKS un-freeze but are clearly in a
HEAD COOK Oh look, we've made a Pudding.
See, it turned out rather fine!
COOK 1 Mmmm, I wish that I could have a
bite ? This Pudding smells divine!
COOK 2 Yes, just a taste -
- a pinch -
- they'll never know it's gone!
HEAD COOK Well, why don't we just eat it up and make another one? [The COOKS pounce; the PUDDING leaps
off the table in terror
HEAD COOK Did you say something? Did
you speak?
COOK 1 COOK 2 HEAD COOK Then back to work. [running her finger down the menu] Where were we? Oh that's right, the humble pie . . . [The scene changes back to the
Great Hall, where the PUDDING
HERALD 2 I hear the children from the village,
they're bringing garlands all -
[The first grade sings "Deck
the Halls"]
LORD OF THE MANOR How lovely is our Hall, all decked
with joy and cheer!
LADY OF THE MANOR From the eastern lands our friends
have come this night;
[The Kindergarten sings "O Hanukkah."]
HERALD 1 Our neighboring royalty approaches
from lands adjoining
HERALD 2 The Duke and Duchess of St. Joseph's
town have traveled many hours.
HERALD 1 The Countess and the Baroness from
lands of grape and prune;
HERALD 2 The friar from St. Francis comes,
let's greet him with a tune.
LORD OF THE MANOR Minstrels come and raise your voices!
[The Choir performs.]
BARONNESS Listen, my friends, to the Carolers
who sing outside our door!
[The third grade Carolers perform.]
COUNTESS [Rises, moves toward the PUDDING.] I must confess those lovely songs give me an appetite! [Uncovers the pudding.]
BARONNESS The pudding looks so scrumptious, dears, should we just have a bite? [The PUDDING begins to quake
as the guests creep toward it.]
DUCHESS My dearest Baroness, you're right!
It's such a tempting treat!
DUKE We'll start our feast with Pudding
? Yes! ? That's perfect!
FRIAR SCENE FIVE: THE GREAT HALL HERALD 1 [Blows a trumpet fanfare, interrupting the guests - move toward the pudding.] The Knights approach! [The three KNIGHTS enter and
stand at attention; the BRAVE
COUNTESS [Tearing her gaze away from the PUDDING.] Over great golden hills, through
green valleys and glades
BARONESS knights on their quests have
earned valor and praise for their deeds of
DUKE How good it is to hear of such honor,
to know that civility still rules the land.
DUCHESS Welcome, o Knights, noble in bearing, for your steadfast kind deeds we give you our hand. [The BRAVE KNIGHT steps forward
and kisses the Duchess'hand.]
BRAVE KNIGHT I thank you, fair ladies and most
noble lords.
[GUESTS return to seats; fifth
grade performs the sword dance.]
BRAVE KNIGHT My Lord and my Lady, I have such
a tale
He's scorched many villages, chickens
and all,
THE KNIGHTS [In unison, like a Chorus, they repeat:] With your help we will catch him
and tame him tonight!
BRAVE KNIGHT [The BRAVE KNIGHT starts as the other KNIGHTS repeat his words.] Just give him a Pudding and he'll
be all right!
THE KNIGHTS Hand over the Pudding and call it
a night!
BRAVE KNIGHT [A bit flustered by the KNIGHTS' loss of control.] Right!
LADY OF THE MANOR [Gazing longingly at the PUDDING, holding back her tears.] Brave knights, we do thank you for
doing your job
BRAVE KNIGHT [With pretended sadness, shaking his head.] Alas, my dear Lady; he's told us his bidding - [Suddenly eager.] So without more ado, we'll be taking
the Pudding!
THE KNIGHTS We've got nothing to do, so we'll just eat the Pudding! [The KNIGHTS whip out spoons as if
they were swords and
BRAVE KNIGHT Right, then.
Well, well, WELL!
DRAGON [Continued] I see that these Knights are attempting
to steal
[The KNIGHTS scramble to hide their spoons.] YOU CAN'T HAVE IT! It's MINE!
And I'm bigger than you! LADY OF THE MANOR [To the BRAVE KNIGHT.] What! Stealing the Pudding?
Oh, say it's not true!
BRAVE KNIGHT [To the DRAGON.] D-d-dragon! Oh, goodness.
We really intended to bring you this Pudding.
Please don't be offended!
DRAGON Your sentiments, Knight, hold no
interest for me.
[The DRAGON seizes the PUDDING, who struggles weakly, and exits. The BRAVE KNIGHT and KNIGHTS exit in pursuit.] [The GUESTS begin to sniffle and then to openly weep.] [The JESTER enters, takes a look
around, then moves to center stage.]
JESTER Cheer up, my friends! See all the treats remaining in this hall! Let's have the Jesters' tricks to bring you laughter, one and all. [The second grade "Jesters" perform.] [The GUESTS are cheered considerably
by the Jesters and begin to talk and laugh.
Just then, loud sobbing
is heard outside the door.]
LORD OF THE MANOR Who's there?
DRAGON [Enters in a fit of weeping.] My pudding's gone! Escaped!
It ran away to tease me!
LADY OF THE MANOR [Trying to comfort the DRAGON.] There, there, dear Dragon. [She cautiously pets the Dragon's head.] Don't be sad.
JESTER The pipes are sure to please thee! [The fourth grade pipers play
"Good King Wenceslaus."]
[HERALD 1 enters and plays a
HERALD 1 My Lord! The KING is here!
LADY OF THE MANOR The King! What shall we do?
KING [The KNIGHTS enter with the PUDDING
under guard. All of
We found this Pudding on the road.
Does it belong to you?
ALL The Pudding's back!
BRAVE KNIGHT Your Majesty, we gave it quite a
KING Tell us, you impudent dessert, why
we should show you grace!
PUDDING You can't imagine what it';s like
just waiting to be eaten
My lords and ladies, nobles all,
my status don't compare,
There's children in the village,
folks, who never get a treat.
Do with me what you will, but I
must beg you to remember
BRAVE KNIGHT This Pudding is a traitor, sir.
It whines and then it hollers.
KING The problem warrants careful thought. Let us consult a scholar. [The WIZARD enters.]
WIZARD As a Scholar and a Wizard, I know
secrets I can tell:
[Everyone gasps; the Pudding looks amazed.] To counteract this mischief, I will
change the recipe.
As long as you are generous and
feed each hungry soul,
PUDDING Wow, thank you, Wizard! This is great! I'll just go into townand feed the children there, then I'll be back to party down! [The PUDDING gives the WIZARD
a high-five.]
JESTER The feast! The feast!
Let feasting now begin!
[All school sings "The Boar's
JESTER Oh, lift your spirits up, my friends!
Think ye of joy so sweet,
[The Dancers perform.] JESTER What revelry, what tastes! What sights! What smells! What goodly cheer! Now let us have some songs, my friends - enchant our list'ning ear! [All school sings songs.] [Mistress Hearth and Mistress
Rimer enter on opposite sides and
MISTRESS HEARTH Now join the voices in the hall!
MISTRESS RIMER Sing with us and be merry, all! [Everyone sings, "We Wish You
a Merry Christmas,"
[As if responding to the audience's
call for a figgy pudding, the PUDDING enters
with happy little children
clinging to it and licking their fingers.
They come to center stage.]
PUDDING I've learned me a lesson from all
this to-do.
May your hearts be filled up with
the season's good cheer!
THE PUDDING AND THE LITTLE CHILDREN Happy holidays, folks, and a Happy New Year! [End.] |