Dude, Where's my Tax Break?
16 September 2003
I didn't get a check in the mail. What I got was a little note
from the IRS saying that I owe an additional $12K from 2001, which is
bogus. But enough about me.
My husband doesn't show up in the jobless figures any more because
he's just scrambling for consulting and not applying for
unemployment. But enough about him.
Say, what about those folks in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where's their
break? George is asking the UN to help "rebuild" Iraq. This
is the organization that didn't go along with his scheme of invading
the country without good evidence and a plan for what he was going to
do next. (Well, you stack the blocks up and then you line up the toy
soldiers and then you knock everything down and then you start over.
Daddy said so.) And so the UN is supposed to say, "OK, George,
we didn't think it was a good idea, but now that you've blown up
these people's country, sure we'll help you out with reconstruction.
No problem. We have lots of money and lots of expendable non-American
bodies and lots of good will. Not.
The recent magnanimous tax break would go about halfway to
"reconstructing" Iraq and Afghanistan, our latest
conquests. That would mean putting basic human services and security
in place and doing the hard job of mentoring folks towards
governments more in line with ideas of social justice. Trouble is I
don't know if anybody in the State Department is familiar with that
term. Let's just "give" 'em democracy.
"Democracy" in this context - meaning rule by the people
- equals chaos that will lead to things that would make Saddam look
like small fry. You don't just drop democracy onto people who have no
experience with it (SEE Soviet Union, Russia). Hell, "democracy"
has almost ruined California. The founders, for those who remember
what that coded noun means, went for what was called a democratic
republic. In the beginning, senators weren't even elected.
Representative democracy came to mean giving citizens the power to
elect people with good enough values and judgment to be trusted with
making big decisions. It did not mean throwing out a governor you
don't like if you have enough money to pull off a recall so you can
have a movie star at the top again. It did not mean saying, here,
people of Iraq, here's your country rid of the evil Saddam and don't
worry about the water and electricity cuz' you have religious and
tribal differences to sort out and good luck to y'all.
It amazes me that all these here burger-eatin' Amurrcans think
that their pis-ant tax break (excuse me, you .001 percent) was such a
slick deal and who will go on to reelect the bozos who gave it to
them. Yee haw, let's go to Wal Mart. We all know who gets the tax
break. We all know it's "better for business". We all know
that big business has exported nearly half a million jobs overseas to
"serve the shareholders" who aren't us, and who aren't the
poor folks who don't have a job and have fallen off the stats because
they're either robbing 7-11s or "consulting" or collecting
Coke bottles or sitting at home in a depressed stupor eating consumer
products and watching FearTV. Honk if you drive an RV. Take my job,
please. Screw those people in those countries we didn't know existed
until they showed up on FearTV. Is it football season yet? Dude,
where's my tax break? |