Madrone Place
Gatos, CA 95033
+1-408-741-5865 fax +1-408-741-5458,
Ph.D. The
Ohio State University, Department of Theatre, theory and criticism, 1986.
Dissertation: ÒToward the Design of a Computer-Based Interactive Fantasy
M.F.A. Ohio
State University, Department of Theatre, acting and directing, 1975
B.A. DePauw
University, Speech and Theatre, magna cum laude, 1972
Professional Experience
2006- Chair, Graduate Program in Design, California College of the Arts
a new curriculum and faculty for a graduate degree in design with
concentrations in graphics, interaction, environmental and industrial design,
to be launched in fall 2007.
2005-2006 Distinguished Engineer and Senior Director, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
of Experience Design initiative within Sun Labs. Projects involved life-sized
video interaction at a distance, game server, and mobile devices. Patent filed
for video-on-demand UI.
2002-2006 Chair, Media Design Program, Art Center College of Design
primary faculty for Super Studio course, and graduate student advisor.
Architect and professor for the Art Center Design Research curriculum.
1999-2002 Co-Creator of a new curriculum for New Media, professor, core faculty member.
1999-now Consultant and Speaker
in design research, usability, and identity for clients such as Cheskin
Research, AT&T, Nielsen Norman Group, Oregon Public Broadcasting, Leapfrog,
and the Macarthur Foundation. Public speaking for educational, professional,
and business audiences.
1996-1999 Purple Moon
and Vice President/Design, Member of the Board of Directors for a transmedia
company devoted to preteen girls.
1992-1997 Interval Research Corporation
of the Research Staff, Technology and Culture. Managed a four-year R&D
effort to understand relationships between gender and technology among children
and teens.
1987-92 Consultant
in interaction design for clients such as Apple, LucasArts Entertainment, Epyx,
American Interactive Media, Br¿derbund, Citibank, Carnegie Mellon University,
Fujitsu Labs, Paramount New Media, Sony Pictures, and the Communication
Research Institute of Australia.
1990-91 Telepresence Research, Inc.
and President for a company that provided research and development in virtual
environments and remote presence systems.
1985-87 Activision, Inc.
of Product Development, Learning and Creativity
1980-84 Atari, Inc.
1982-84 Member
of the Research Staff, Atari Sunnyvale Research Lab
1980-82 Manager,
Software Marketing, Home Computer Division
1977-80 CyberVision,
1978-80 Manager, Educational Product Design
1977-78 Software Designer and Programmer
Ongoing Theatre Work and Teaching
1964-now Actor
and director, academic, professional, and community theatre; video, radio and
1992-93 Script
consultant for Oliver StoneÕs ABC Miniseries, Wild Palms.
1972-79 Teacher
of courses in general theatre, acting, and directing at Ohio State, Otterbein
College and University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point.
Ongoing Other Work
2000-now Member, Board of Advisors, Cheskin
1998-now Member, Board of Advisors, MIT Comparative Media Studies Program
1993-now Member,
Board of Governors, Communication Research Institute (Australia)
1991-now Reader
and thesis committee member, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, TU Delft, and
other colleges and universities
1988-91 Co-founder
and Member of the Board of the Computer Game Developers' Conference
Recent Awards and
Equity Award, American Association for Higher Education, 2004
Chrysler Award Nominee, 2002
National Design Award in Product Design Nominee, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 2002
Big Brothers / Big Sisters Achievement Award, 2001
Girls Scouts of Santa Clara, CA, World of Today and Tomorrow Award, 1999
Girls Inc. Award for Leading Women in Animation, 1998
Top 25 Women on the Web, Webgrrls, 1998
25 Most Influential Working Women, Working Woman, 1997
First Technology Fellow, University of California at Monterey Bay, 1997
Editor, Design
Research: Methods and Perspectives, MIT
Press, 2004
Utopian Entrepreneur, MIT Press, 2001
Computers as Theatre. Addison-Wesley, 1991. Paperbound edition
(revised), 1993
Editor, The Art of
Human-Computer Interface Design.
Addison-Wesley, 1990
Selected Articles and Papers
ÒPiercing the Spectacle,Ó
in Rules of Play Reader, K.
Salen and E Zimmermen, eds., MIT Press, 2005.
ÒNarrative Construction
as Play.Ó Interactions Magazine,
September 2004.
ÒDesign from the Heart,Ó
in Women, Art and Technology,
Judy Malloy, ed., MIT Press, 2003.
ÒVital Narratives,Ó in Narrative
Intelligence, Phoebe Sengers
and Michael Mateas, eds., John Benjamins, 2003.
ÒNew Perspectives:
Computers as Theatre,Ó in Anwenderfreundliche Kummunikationssysteme, Ralf Reilchwald and Manfred Lang, eds.,
Heidelberg: HŸthig Verlag, 1999.
ÒAn Interview with Brenda
Laurel.Ó In From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games, Justine Cassell and Henry Jenkins, eds., MIT Press, 1999.
ÒMusings on Amusements in
America.Ó In The Digital Dialectic: New Essays on New Media, Peter Lunenfeld, ed. MIT Press, 1999.
ÒInterface Agents:
Metaphors with Character.Ó In Human Values and the Design of Computer
Technology, Batya Friedman,
ed., Cambridge University Press, 1998.
ÒCommentary: Virtual
Reality.Ó Scientific American.
Vol. 273, No. 3 (September 1995).
ÒPlaceholder: Landscape
and Narrative in Virtual Environments,Ó with Rachel Strickland and Rob Tow. Computer
Graphics, Vol. 28 No. 2 (May
1994), pp. 118-126.
ÒKids Online: Do
Something Constructive!Ó Edutopia,
George Lucas Education Foundation, Jan. 1993.
ÒImmersion Technologies.Ó
Wired, December 1993.
ÒGlobal Media and
Cultural Diversity.Ó TISEA Catalog,
November 1992.
ÒArtistic Frontiers in
Virtual Reality.Ó SIGGRAPH Ô92 Catalog, July 1992.
ÒArt and Activism in VR.Ó
Verbum, Journal of Personal Computer Aesthetics. Vol. 5, No. 2 (December 1991).
ÒStrange New Worlds of
Entertainment.Ó Compute,
November 1991.
ÒGlobal Media and Common
Ground.Ó Verbum Interactive 1.0,
May 1991.
ÒVirtual Reality Design:
A Personal View.Ó Multimedia Review,
Summer 1990.
ÒIssues in Multimedia
Interface Design: Media Integration and Interface Agents.Ó Brenda Laurel, Tim
Oren, and Abbe Don. Proceedings of CHI '90 (ACM SIGCHI). April 1990. Reprinted in Multimedia Interface
Design, M. Blattner and R.
Dannenerg, eds. ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, 1992.
ÒOn Dramatic
Interaction.Ó Verbum, Journal of Personal Computer Aesthetics. Vol. 3, No. 3 (November 1989).
ÒGames Women Play: Some
Alternative Approaches.Ó The Journal of Computer Game Design, Vol. 2, No. 5 (July-August 1989).
ÒA Taxonomy of
Interactive Movies.Ó The Boston Computer Society, New Media News, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Winter 1989).
ÒCulture Hacking.Ó The
Journal of Computer Game Design,
Vol. 1, No. 8 (Aug.-Sept. 1988).
Interactivity.Ó The Journal of Computer Game Design, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Oct.-Nov. 1987).
ÒToward the Design of a
Computer-Based Interactive Fantasy System.Ó Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State
University, 1986.
ÒInterface as Mimesis.Ó
In Norman, D. A. and Draper, S., Eds., User Centered System Design: New
Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986.
ÒFirst-Personess in
Interface DesignÓ (co-authored with Eric A. Hulteen). Atari Research Memo #22,
January 1984.
ÒThe Poetics of
Interactive Form.Ó Atari Research Memo #17, December 1982.
Presentations and Workshops
ÒDesigning with New
Media: Students Looking Forward.Ó Keynote, New Media Consortium National Conference,
Cleveland, OH, June 2006.
ÒBeyond Barbie vs.
Mortal Kombat.Ó Panel,
NSF-funded conference on gender and gaming, UCLA, May 2006.
ÒDesign Education 2020.Ó Invited lecture, Ontario College of Art
and Design, April 2006.
ÒDesign in Technology
Education,Ó Hanzehogeschool, Groningen, Netherlands. November 2005.
ÒDesign Research: Case
Studies.Ó Stephen Weiss Memorial Lecture, Parsons School of Design New York,
August 2005.
ÒDesign Research: Informed Creativity.Ó
Invited lecture, University of Memphis, University of Minnesota, and other
educational and corporate venues, 2003-2004.
ÒThe Invisible Kingdom:
In Search of the Feminine in Technology Design,Ó Keynote, IFWE conference for
women in e-learning, Phoenix, August 2004.
ÒUsing New Technologies
to Engage New Audiences.Ó Invited address, ASTC Conference, The Tech Museum,
San Jose, August 2004.
ÒOh, the Stories We
Tell.Ó Invited address, Art Center Design Conference, Pasadena, CA, March 2004.
ÒAchieving a State of
Trans.Ó Keynotes, Information Architecture Summit, Austin, TX, March 2004; SXSW
Interactive, Austin, TX, March 2004; invited lecture, Rensselear Polytechnic
Institute, Troy, NY, March 2004.
ÒDesign Research in
Action.Ó Invited address, AIGA Conference, Vancouver, Canada, October 2003.
ÒIntegrative Design.Ó
Keynote, Syllabus 2003, San Jose, CA, July 2003.
ÒKnowledge in the Age of
the Internet.Ó Keynote, Millennium-Tage Kassel, Kassel, Germany, October 2002.
ÒWeb Literacy and Vital
Narratives,Ó invited address, Ohio State University, May 2002.
ÒTeaching with
Technology.Ó Keynote, Teaching with Technology conference, University of
Colorado at Boulder, June 2002.
ÒCollaborating in
Cultural Change.Ó Keynote, UmeŒ Forum, UmeŒ, Sweden, June 2002.
ÒReclaiming Media: Doing
Culture Work in These Weird Times.Ó Invited address, AIGA Voice, Washington,
D.C., March 2002.
ÒCultural Change through
Collaboration.Ó Keynote, RIMA, Quebec City, Quebec, March 2002.
Entrepreneurship.Ó Invited talk, Stanford University, February 2002.
ÒCulture Work in Higher
Education: Strategy and Tactics.Ó
NCII Educause Conference, San Diego, January 2002.
ÒGender and Game DesignÓ
and ÒStory Spaces for Children.Ó Indiana University, January 2002.
ÒResearch Techniques and
Ethics.Ó Carelton College, Minnesota, January 2002.
ÒCulture Work in
Cyberspace.Ó Digital Frontier Conference, University of Buffalo, NY, November
ÒIntegrated Circuit: A
View of Nature and Technology.Ó Science & the Spritual Quest, Paris, June
ÒEthics in HCIÓ (panel)
and judge, ÒInteractionary,Ó CHI 2001, Seattle, April 2001.
ÒGame Design / Game
Culture.Ó Panel, Game DevelopersÕ Conference, San Jose, March 2001.
ÒVerge,Ó Moderator, AIGA
conference on Experience Design, New York, March 2001.
ÒContent & Design in
a Transmedia World,Ó Nielsen/Norman Group Tour, Europe, U.S. and Asia, 2000-1.
ÒNew Players, New Games,Ó
Keynote, Game DevelopersÕ Conference, San Jose, CA, March 1999.
ÒGames Girls Play,Ó Doors
of Perception Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nov. 1998.
ÒResearching Girls and
Technology,Ó Keynote, Camden Technology Conf., Camden ME, Oct. 1998.
ÒExploring Interactive
Story Space,Ó Keynote, Digital Storytelling Festival, Crested Butte CO, Sept.
ÒTechnological Humanism
and Values-Driven Design,Ó Keynote, CHI Õ98, Los Angeles, April 1998.
ÒTechnology and
Learning,Ó panel with Roy Pea and Jerry Michaelski, PC Forum, Tucson, Mar.
ÒTechnological Humanism,Ó
Keynote, MILIA Ô98, Cannes, France, February 1998.
ÒListening to Girls,Ó
TED8, Monterey, January 1998.
ÒGeneration XX: Girls,
Tech, and Popular Culture,Ó Agenda Õ98, Phoenix, October 1998.
ÒThe Ethos of Computing,Ó
Invited address, ACMÕ97 (hosted by James Burke), the 50th
Anniversary of Computing, San Jose, CA, March 1997.
ÒCognition, Perception
and Experience in the Virtual Environment: Do You See What I See?Ó Panel,
SIGGRAPH Ô96, New Orleans, July 1996.
ÒTechnology and the
Self,Ó panel with Marvin Minsky, Bran Ferren, Sherry Turkle, Danny Hillis, and
Kevin Kelly. Seventh Roundtable in Multimedia, Marina Del Rey, March 1996.
ÒIntending the Future.Ó
Keynote addresses, Educom Ô95, Portland, OR, November 1995 and Connections Ô96
Conference, Puget Sound Educational Service District, Tacoma, WA, January 1996.
Keynote, Rensselear
Polytechnic Institute Virtual Reality Symposium. Albany, NY, October 1995.
ÒMy Life in (Interactive)
Art.Ó Multimedia Pioneers Series, San Francisco State University, Nov. 1995.
ÒTransforming the
Relationship between Technology and Nature.Ó Doors of Perception, Amsterdam
(via videoconference), November 1995.
ÒGender and Technology
— What Problem?Ó Panel, International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA
Ô95), Montreal, September 1995.
ÒMusings on Amusements in
America.Ó Digital Dialectic Conference, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena,
CA, September 1995.
ÒDramatic Interaction in
Placeholder.Ó AAAI Ô95 Spring Symposium on Interactive Story Systems: Plot and
Character. Stanford University, CA, March 1995.
Seminar on interaction
for Canadian filmmakers. Interactive Screen Workshop, Banff Centre for the
Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada, January 1995.
ÒReal Bodies in Virtual
Worlds.Ó Cybersphere, International Symposium on Cyberspace, Stockholm, Sweden,
October 1994.
ÒTheatrical Design and
New Technologies.Ó Keynote, Theatre & Education Conference, Tempe, Arizona,
August 1994.
ÒComputer Graphics and
Human Evolution.Ó Panel, SIGGRAPH '94, Orlando, FL, July 1994.
ÒA Dialogue with Nature.Ó
Fourth International Conference on Cyberspace. Banff, Alberta, June 1994.
ÒArtists and
Technologists in Collaboration.Ó Keynote, Fourth International Symposium on
Electronic Art, Minneapolis, MN, November 1993.
ÒPost-Virtual Reality.Ó
MIT Symposium on Mind and Media, February 1993.
ÒLearning in Virtual
Worlds.Ó Keynote addresses, ISTE Technology in the Rockies Conference, Denver,
CO, October 1992, and CUE (Computer-Using Educators), San Jose, CA, October
ÒLBE: The L is for
Location.Ó Digital World, Beverly Hills, CA, June 1992.
ÒThe Future of
Television.Ó Keynote, PREPUT/INPUT (public television producers), Baltimore,
May 1992.
ÒAnthropomorphism in the
Interface.Ó Panel, ACM SIGCHI Ô92, Monterey, CA, May 1992.
ÒMultimedia as Designed
Experience.Ó Keynote, CD-I DevelopersÕ Conference, San Diego, April 1992.
ÒTelepresence.Ó Lecture
and workshop, Informatique Ô92: Interface to Real and Virtual Worlds,
Montpellier, France, March 1992.
ÒForm and Interactive
Media.Ó Lectures on Society, Technology, and Representation, California College
of Arts and Crafts, San Francisco, February 1992.
ÒControl, Collaboration,
and Emergent Form.Ó TED3, Monterey, CA, February 1992.
ÒFuture Visions in
Interactive Media.Ó The New Digital Human Be-In, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 1992.
ÒBe There Here:
Telepresence and Virtual Reality.Ó Seminar, Human Computer Interaction Project
on People, Computers and Design. Stanford University, Dept. of Computer
Science, November 1991.
ÒTelepresence.Ó Invited
lecture, NTT Technology Seminar Series. Tokyo, October 1991.
ÒThe Cybernetic Frontier:
Speculations on the Future of Human-Computer Interaction.Ó Keynote, Designing
Information for People Symposium, Communication Research Institute of
Australia. Canberra, Australia, October 1991.
ÒTelepresence and Virtual
Reality.Ó Keynote, Mosaic Conference, Australian Computer Society. Adelaide,
Australia, October 1991.
ÒTelepresence and Virtual
Reality.Ó Lectures. University of Technology, Sydney; Swinburne Institute of
Technology, Melbourne; Australian National University, Canberra; Command
Support Systems, Australian National Defense Organization, Canberra; and
University of Canberra. October 1991.
ÒArt and Activism in VR.Ó
Symposium on Virtual Reality, San Francisco Art Institute, Sept.1991.
ÒFusion Education:
Resources for the Twenty-First Century Computer Artist.Ó Educators' Panel,
SIGGRAPH '91. Las Vegas, July 1991.
ÒTelepresence: Its
Origins and Future in Art and Communication.Ó Virtual Reality Panel, Stanford
Design Conference. Stanford, CA, July 1991.
Invited contributor,
International Workshop on Virtual Reality. Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA, June
ÒArt and Artistry in
Telepresence.Ó 2nd IntÕl Conference on Cyberspace. Santa Cruz, CA,
April 1991.
ÒInterface and Narrative
Arts: Contributions from Narrative, Drama, and Film.Ó Panel Chair, CHI '91 (ACM
SIGCHI). New Orleans, April 1991.
ÒThe Telepresence
Medium.Ó Lecture, Athens Film Festival, Ohio University, April 1991.
ÒChanging Minds:
Persuasion and Representation in Computer Games.Ó Computer Game Developers'
Conference. San Jose, CA, March 1991.
ÒGlobal Media and Common
Ground.Ó Lecture, Art Futura, Barcelona, January 1991.
ÒVirtual Reality Design.Ó
Lecture, International Forum on Multimedia, Tokyo, October, 1990.
ÒThe Face in the Rock.Ó
Lecture, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, September 1990.
ÒInterface and New
Interactive Systems.Ó Panel Chair. SIGGRAPH '90, Dallas, August 1990.
ÒAI and Interactive
Fiction Workshop.Ó Workshop co-chair, with Joseph Bates of Carnegie Mellon
University. AAAI, Boston, July 1990.
ÒGender and Cultural Bias
in Computer Games.Ó Panel Chair. Computer Game Developers' Conference, San
Jose, CA, April, 1990.
Reality.Ó Panel. Multimedia and Hypermedia Expo. San Francisco, CA, June 1989.
Personal Interests
and Activities
Activism and
citizenship: Active in multiple
organizations devoted to environmentalism and human rights.
storytelling: Collaborator with
the Center for Digital Storytelling in Berkeley, CA.
culture: Professional necessity
and personal fascination –science fiction film &TV, Trek, Grateful
Writing: Fiction, poetry, and musings on
politics and culture.
Photography: Nature and underwater photography and
Playing in
nature: Hiking, camping,
snorkeling, abalone hunting, boogie-boarding.
Tai ChÕI (Wu form):
Individual practice and instruction at Art Center.
Improvisation and
theatre sports: In classrooms,
companies, and just for fun, theatre sports keep the mind limber and shyness at