Rob Tow is an inventor, scientist, and hacker
with wide experience in software and hardware
systems design and development, at major
research labs, including Northrop Aviation,
Schlumberger Palo Alto Research, Xerox PARC,
and Interval Research
Corporation, where he is a Member of the Research Staff.
is the primary inventor of Xerox's Smart
Paper (TM) and Glyph
(TM) embedded digital data technologies,
and holds four issued
and one pending patents in imaging science,
based on applied
visual psychophysics. His technical background
includes virtual
reality, computer graphics, user interfaces,
real-time programming, image processing,
amorphous silicon
color scanner design, electronic warfare,
and robotics. He was
Interval's technical
lead for the Placeholder
project, and also designed this Web archive.
He is also an avid
student of history and science, ranging
from medieval alchemy
through post-structuralist critical theory
to sociobiology, and
the number 42. He may be reached as, or at his
nom-de-infosphere of and has a World Wide Web page
hierarchy at The Well.