
Spider, with Voiceholder and unoccupied Fish in the background, in the Cave World.
Spider, with Voiceholder and unoccupied Fish in the background, in the Cave World.

As with all the Critters, we wanted to make Spider's "smart costume" different and potent in some way. For Spider, we intended to emulate the vision of the jumping spider, with its multiple eyes of differing resolutions and spatial extents, merged into the single extent of the VR helmets presentation. Some of the eyes would be telescopic, some wide angle; we also considered making some of the eyes see into the other worlds, allowing Spider a privileged ocular construction over the other Critters.

We also considered making Spider limited in it locomotion; restricting it to a small web; this raised a host of design issues - should we put a minature Portal on the web? Might we allow Spider to transform into the other Critters by placing mummified Critter icons on the web for Spider to merge with? Could thge other Critters become ensnared in the web if they ventured too close? Ultimately, we passed on this idea, partly because it seemed to unduly restrict Spider's mobility and because it seemed problematic to relate the virtual locomotion to the participants movements in real space, and because of the press of time.

Follow the links below to find more about Spider:

Pre-recorded Spider sounds

Narrative sources (for Spider and everything else)

Drawings & studies of Spider (and other Critters)

Papers Movies Sounds Images