Narrative and Interaction in Placeholder, Brenda Laurel
Capturing the Sense of a Place, Rachel Strickland
A Dialogue with Nature, Brenda Laurel
Placeholder: Notes on Process, Brenda Laurel
Troll Trials and Tribulations, Rachel Strickland
Spatialized Sound at Banff, Rob Tow
As part of the Placeholder effort, Diane Schiano of Interval Research interviewed (interviews were videotaped for later analysis) participants after their experience. The three Documents below codify and reflect her data and results.
Overview of the Placeholder participant interviews, Diane Schiano
Summary of the Placeholder Interviews' data, Diane Schiano
Transcriptions of the Placeholder Interviews, Diane Schiano
Computer Game Devlopers Conference Placeholder: Real Bodies in Virtual Worlds, Brenda Laurel and Rob Tow
The following three publications were designed
in two column format - when they are read
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two column layout, select "Page Layout"
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The following three documents are copyright by the ACM.
ACM Computer Graphics Quarterly Volume 28 Number 2 May 1994: Placeholder: Landscape and Narrative in Virtual Environments, Brenda Laurel, Rachel Strickland, and Rob Tow
The following two publications are derived from the ACM Computer Graphics Quarterly article above; at Rachel Strickland's insistence Rob Tow's section was published as a separate piece.
ACM Computer Graphics Multimedia Conference October '94 Placeholder: Landscape and Narrative in Virtual Environments, Brenda Laurel and Rachel Strickland
ACM Computer Graphics Multimedia Conference October '94 Placeholder: Technology and the Senses, Rob Tow