Cave World Framegrabs

Each of these images is a frame from the left eye view of one of the participants.

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Fish, Snake, and Spider in Cave World.An embodied Spider is seen along with un-embodied Snake and Fish, and some Voiceholders.

Fish and Spider in the Cave World.An un-embodied Fish is seen through an embodied Spider - the two participants are interpenetrating their virtual bodies.

Fsih and Spider in the Cave World.A participant, embodied as Spider , is manipulating a Voiceholder, playing back a snippet of speech recorded by a participant . An unembodied Fish floats in the background, where it utters its enticements to the participants.

Fish in the Cave World. The unembodied Fish floats amid several Voiceholders .

Voiceholder holding sound in the Cave World.A Voiceholder floats in the foreground, with unembodied Fish suspended in the background. The expression on the Voiceholder's expression denotes that it "holds" a snippet of speech recorded by a participant - it is "asleep", waiting for a touch to awaken it.

Voiceholder playing back sound in the Cave World.The participant has just touched (the two blue dots showing where the Grippees are can be seen emerging from the Voiceholder) the Voiceholder, "awakening it; it has become lighter in color, and its expression has changed - the eyes have opened - and it is now playing back some speech recorded by a participant.

Portal in the Cave World.An oblique view of the Portal.

Portal in the Cave World.Another oblique view of the Portal.

Spider playing back a Voiceholder in the Cave World.Spider is standing in front of a Voiceholder, playing back its content. An un-embodied Snake and two other Voiceholders float behind in the distance.

Spider about to transit the Portal.Spider is about to transit the Portal.

Ttwo Voiceholders.Two Voiceholders float in space. The one in the foreground is playing back some speech recorded by a participant , and the other is asleep; it also holds a recording.

Voiceholde,r and Grippee dots.The four blue dots from the two Grippees worn by the participants in their hands clearly show the location of a participant's hands in virtual space, relative to the Voiceholders.

Voiceholder, and Grippee dots.Two blue dots from one Grippee can be seen just below this Voiceholder.

Voiceholders in the Cave World.The blue dots from the Grippee have disappeared behind the Voiceholder, and another Voiceholder has been created by the real-time support staff in the SGI room, at the command of the Goddess.

Crow view, looking down in the cave World.This view is from Crow's point of view as the participant experiences Crow flight within the confines of the Cave World. Looking down, Crow can see four Voiceholders scattered about, an embodied Snake to the right, and the Portal to the left.

VR framegrabs from other worlds:

Hoodoos World Waterfall World

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